Waf Charm


Tech & Engineering

Less than 30 minutes could bring your business down.

When your business is under attack, experts recommend aiming to meet the 1-10-60 rule: 1 minute to detect, 10 minutes to investigate and 60 minutes to remediate. However, the 19 minutes in for remediation gives the operator the “sense” if this is going to be a solid solution. In that moment, even if you are in a team environment, there is always one person that everyone is looking up to and is feeling all the pressure. With new generative, automated and AI driven attacks, it’s nearly impossible to keep up and worse, to become the liable team with the fluctuating results and reporting it to the organization.

If I can give my younger self a good and solid advice, it would be this, “Please don’t think of the attack as a challenge to you. You should utilize TOOLS not only to better delegate responsibilities and tasks, but rely on automated solutions to eliminate the overhead of mundane tasks so you can focus and evolve your skills that matter”.

Using technologies like WafCharm or CloudFastener are end to end solutions that can be there with you not just on the first 19 minutes of remediation, but eliminating and removing the 1-10-60 rule. There is no need to “detect” when it’s already prevented, there is nothing to “investigate”, when you already know and there is nothing to “remediate” then there is nothing wrong.
Take in mind that the WafCharm and CloudFastener solution is the most cost-efficient solution for AWS. Please schedule a call with us today and we would be more than happy to address any questions or concerns that you may have.